- Entrust will be paying a dividend later this year.
- The money will be paid to people who are customers of Vector electricity within the Entrust district of central, east and south Auckland when we finalise the dividend list.
- The money will be paid to the person or organisation whose name is on the power bill. If the name on your power bill is not correct, you need to get it fixed with your electricity retailer. Entrust can’t do this for you.
- The money will be paid as a direct credit to your bank account or as a credit on your power account. See the form or email we sent in June for you to check, choose or change how you receive your payment.
- If you don’t choose one of the payment options, or if you move or switch retailers and change your customer details before September, we will send you a dividend notification at dividend time. You will then need to provide your bank account details so we can pay you the dividend by direct credit to your bank account.