Dividend Tax Petition - Privacy Policy
When you become a signatory to the petition on this site, Entrust will collect the following personal information:
- Your name
- Your email address
- The date and time of your petition submission
This information is being collected so that we can add your name as a signatory to the petition if and when we present it publicly to Parliament (but only your name will be included when the petition is presented; not your email or submission date and time). We aim to present the petition when we have enough signatories, although we reserve the right not to present the petition if we do not consider it appropriate to do so at the time.
We will retain your personal information for this purpose and so that we can verify you as a signatory if necessary, although you should be aware that tools used to create the petition and monitor engagement with this site and social media connections to it will collect and use aggregated information from this site (see https://sharethis.com/publisher-terms-of-use/).
This information will also be accessible and held by the people who have worked with Entrust to create this site and the petition, Ignition Development Ltd and Mosh Social Media Ltd (both of which are based in Auckland, New Zealand). They hold this personal information as agents of Entrust and are therefore subject to the privacy protections we have put in place, as outlined in our general privacy policy at https://www.entrustnz.co.nz/privacy-policy/.
We will retain this information until the petition has been presented to Parliament, and for a reasonable period after that in case we are asked to verify the people who have signed the petition. After that, we will delete all signatories’ personal information that we have collected here. If we decide not to present the petition, we will then delete all signatories’ personal information that we have collected here. This will not affect our continuing to hold any personal information you have given us or we have collected for other purposes (e.g., if you are a beneficiary of Entrust).
In addition, if you have told us here you wish to receive further communications from Entrust, we will retain your details for that purpose indefinitely until you tell us you no longer wish to receive our communications.
When you visit this site we use a Meta pixel to check whether you have become a signatory and then, via Facebook, to serve ads to encourage visitors to sign the petition. We do not collect any personal information when we do this as it is an automated process provided by Meta which also enables us to see how we are doing in having people visit and sign the petition and, if necessary, improve our site to encourage people to do so. For more information about Facebook privacy see https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy and if you wish to manage your preferences see https://www.facebook.com/adpreferences/ad_settings
Otherwise, the terms of Entrust’s general privacy policy apply – see https://www.entrustnz.co.nz/privacy-policy/.
If you have any questions about this policy or how we deal with your personal information, please contact us at info@entrustnz.co.nz